When visit Bhutan ?
quand partir bhoutan

Find out here what the climate in Bhutan is like in different months of the year and when is the best time to visit.


During the month of January, the temperatures range from -2,6°C to 13,3°C. It’s the coldest month of the year. On a daily basis the mean temperature is 12,3°C.

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During the last month of winter, the temperatures range from 0,6°C to 14,4°C. The weather is very similar to January’s.


Spring starts in March with temperatures ranging from 3,9°C to 16,4°C. This month is marked by the beauty and colors of nature since all the flowers start to blossom, especially rhododendrons.
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During the month of April the temperatures range from 7,1°C to 20°C and the mean temperature is 20°C.


May is a very pleasant month in Bhutan and the last month of spring. The temperatures range from 13,1°C to 22,5°C. May also marks the end of the blossoming season.
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The summer starts with pleasant temperatures ranging from 15,2°C to 24,4°C.


July is a hot month in Bhutan. The temperatures range from 15,4°C to 24,9°C. The Haa festival takes place every July to celebrate the nomadic tradition of the bhutanese. The festival takes place at the same time the white poppy blooms.


During the last month of summer, the temperatures are quite hot. They range from 15,8°C to 25°C. It is the hottest month of the year.


Temperatures are still warm during the month of September and the beginning of fall. They range from 15°C to 23,1°C.


October is a beautiful month during fall. The temperatures range from 10,4°C to 21,9°C.


Just like in October, the temperatures aren’t freezing in November. They range from 5°C to 17.9°C.
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Even though it is quite cold, with temperatures ranging from -1,1°C to 14,5°C, Bhutan is very beautiful in December.


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